Surface decontamination for hotel

Odor Removal

What is Odor?

An odor, or odour, is caused by one or more volatilised chemical compounds that are generally found in low concentrations that humans and animals can perceive by their sense of smell.

Odour is most prominent in environments where there is high temperature coupled with high humidity. Heat allows materials to expand which in turn allows odours to penetrate into those materials, making the odours more apparent.

Moisture in the atmosphere is also a factor in the growth of mould and mildew, which assists in the rotting process, which in turns lets out a damp or musty smell.

Common odours

Some odours when inhaled by humans over a long period of time can be dangerous. If eliminating the unpleasant smell on your own doesn’t work, an understanding of the cause of any odour, its effects and eradication advised by a professional cleaning expert can be crucial to ensure health and safety.

Lumiair can identify and neutralise the source of any unpleasant odours, caused by water damage, bacterial growth or pet related stains, avoiding potential problems if the odour is left untreated. Our normal cleaning process is effective against almost all odour problems. Our specialised cleaning system can effectively remove odour from any surface – and that’s what you can expect when you engage us for professional odour removal services.

    Common odours which are generally considered offensive are:

  • Mould and mildew
  • Cigarette smoke
  • Urine and feces (Mainly from pets)
  • Rotting food
  • Chemicals
  • Fire and smoke damage
  • Flood damage contamination
  • Carpet Odours
  • Pet Urine
  • Smoke
ozone treatment can help odor removal

Odor Removal Services Trusted by Leading Brands

Soft Furnishing Odours

In more severe cases, odour-causing bacteria can penetrate deep into the carpets or fabric materials. In these scenarios, Lumiair offers several odour removal and remediation treatment options, such as deep cleaning and extraction of odour-causing bacteria such as contaminated carpet padding and affected surfaces.

Contact us, anytime.

Why Choose Us?

All-in-one mold and decontamination services

Specialized assessment by our professional Consultants

Access to treatment methods unavailable to consumers

Use of Government-registered premium grade chemicals

Constant R&D for more effective decontamination methods

Custom-engineered machines for effective treatment results

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