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December 18, 2021News

How Regular Disinfection Services Can Help Prevent Infectious Diseases

Daily cleaning is essential to keeping any type of environment clean but it may not be enough to truly put your mind at ease. Pathogens such as viruses can survive on surfaces for a few hours or even several days, necessitating a...

Disinfection Services
December 6, 2021News

Why Disinfection Services Are Important For Your Home & Workplace

While the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is still on everyone’s mind, that does not mean that we can stop worrying about other infectious diseases. Common diseases such as Norovirus, Salmonella, and Hand Foot Mouth Disease (HFMD) po...

After Death Cleaning Services
November 23, 2021News

Essential Questions To Ask An After-Death Cleaning Service

When a relative or loved one passes on, we typically expect it to be in a hospital or hospice where someone else can take over the cleaning duties. Nonetheless, we should feel prepared on what to do in the case of unexpected circ...

fire damage
November 18, 2021News

Why Fire Damage Cleaning Is Essential For Your Health

Fire damage can be devastating, not only to your home or office but to your overall health. When a home or office is destroyed in the wake of a devastating fire, not only are belongings lost but there is also the risk of potential...

home cleaning
September 6, 2021News

3 Essential Home Cleaning Tasks For Singaporeans

Whether you are a homeowner or renter in Singapore, doing regular house chores is essential to keeping your living space clean. Though you may not enjoy doing chores, they are part and parcel of ensuring a hygienic and comfortable...

remove odor
September 6, 2021News

Why Do Bad Odors Linger? (And How To Remove Odors From Your Room)

Bad odors can linger in our surroundings for several reasons. Regardless of why these odors exist, a common problem faced by Singaporeans is how to remove odors from our rooms and spaces so that we can carry on our everyday activi...

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All-in-one mold and decontamination services

Specialized assessment by our professional Consultants

Access to treatment methods unavailable to consumers

Use of Government-registered premium grade chemicals

Constant R&D for more effective decontamination methods

Custom-engineered machines for effective treatment results

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